The Soil Association: Here’s What They Do and Why You Should Care

The Soil Association was founded on the principle that our relationship with the Earth’s soil is essential to the well-being of the people, the animals, and the environment.


In today’s world, environmental concerns are at the forefront of nearly every global discussion.

The Soil Association does more than talk, however. They are taking action, fostering sustainable practices in agriculture, and encouraging a healthier planet for all.

The Soil Association believes that our relationship with the Earth’s soil is essential to the well-being of its inhabitants; the people, the animals, and the environment. They have been advocating for responsible farming practices for literally decades.

What does The Soil Association do?

Image Credit: The Soil Conservation

The Soil Association is a nonprofit organization based out of the United Kingdom.  Their mission is to promote eco-friendly, sustainable farming practices.

Their commitment to driving positive change within the food and farming industry is reflected in their comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering a system that works with nature, rather than against it.

Their key objectives include:

1. Organic Farming

The Soil Association is a leading advocate for organic farming practices. They want to move towards organic agriculture, eliminating the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Their focus is more on natural, sustainable methods. 

They believe this will not only preserve the health of the soil but will also reduce the harm caused to our ecosystem.

2. Biodiversity Conservation

They also believe biodiversity is crucial for maintaining a balanced and resilient ecosystem. The association supports farming methods that prioritize biodiversity, allowing wildlife to thrive alongside crops and livestock.

This approach benefits pollinators, pest controllers, and overall ecosystem health.

3. Climate Change Mitigation

The Soil Association believes agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, they promote farming practices such as agroforestry, cover cropping, and rotational grazing. They actively advocate for reducing the carbon footprint of farming because they believe this will combat climate change.

4. Sustainable Livestock Farming

Livestock farming can have a substantial impact on the environment. The Soil Association encourages humane and sustainable animal practices that prioritize animal welfare and minimize negative environmental effects.

5. Supporting Local Economies

The association believes in strengthening local food systems, reducing reliance on imported goods, and supporting local farmers. This not only benefits communities economically but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with long-distance food transportation.

6. Educational Initiatives

Education is a cornerstone of change. So, The Soil Association provides resources, training, and educational programs to empower farmers, consumers, and policymakers to make decisions that support sustainable agriculture.

Who runs The Soil Association?

Image Credit: The Soil Association

The Soil Association is a UK-based organization that promotes organic farming and sustainable food systems. It is a charity and membership organization.

At the time of this writing, The Soil Association is governed by three leadership teams:

  • Social Association Charity
  • Soil Association Certification
  • Soil Association Land Trust

The Soil Association Charity’s Chief Executive is Helen Browning, but they have many managing directors on the Soil Association Charity Leadership Team.

Leadership at nonprofit organizations can change, so be sure to check the official website for the most up-to-date information.

What is the history of The Soil Association?

Image Credit: The Soil Association

The Soil Association is a pioneering organization that was founded in the United Kingdom in 1946.

It was established by a group of farmers, scientists, and environmentalists, including Lady Eve Balfour and Jorian Jenks. (Lady Eve Balfour’s book “The Living Soil” highlighted the importance of soil health and the negative effects of chemical-intensive agriculture.)

Throughout history, The Soil Association has played a significant role in promoting and advocating for organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices.  They have always emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to agriculture.

In the 1960s, they started certifying organic products to provide consumers with a way to identify genuinely organic products.

In the 80’s they moved beyond organic farming, advocating for sustainable food systems, agroecological practices, and ethical considerations in agriculture and food production.

The Soil Association played a crucial role in developing organic certification standards and labeling in the UK and internationally. Its certification program ensures that products meet strict organic criteria and adhere to sustainable practices.

Throughout its history, the Soil Association has engaged in various campaigns to:

  • raise awareness about the benefits of organic farming
  • address concerns related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • promote animal welfare
  • encourage healthy eating habits

The organization has also been involved in educational initiatives to inform the public about sustainable agriculture and the importance of organic practices.

The Soil Association supports farmers, certifies organic products, engages in research, and raises awareness about the importance of soil health in food production.

What does the Soil Association label mean?

The Soil Association label certifies that a product meets the highest of standards set forth by the Soil Association.

The label assures consumers that the product meets certain criteria related to organic production methods, environmental sustainability, and ethical considerations.

The Soil Association label signifies that a product and/or brand:

✔︎ uses organic farming practices

✔︎ meets high production standards

✔︎ is committed to environmental sustainability

✔︎ is committed to animal welfare

✔︎ is transparent, meaning the product can be traced from farm to shelf

The Soil Association label provides consumers with confidence that the products they are purchasing align with their values regarding organic and sustainable practices.

Many consumers seek out products with this label as a way to support more environmentally friendly and ethically produced goods.

How you can help The Soil Association

Image Credit: The Soil Association

Supporting organizations like The Soil Association can have a positive impact on promoting sustainable agriculture, organic farming, and healthy food systems.

There are many ways you can help The Soil Association:

1. Become a member of The Soil Association. Membership fees often contribute to the organization’s funding, enabling them to continue their advocacy, education, and certification efforts.

2. Donate. Donations help support their various initiatives, campaigns, research, and educational programs.

3. Advocate. Spread the word about The Soil Association’s mission and initiatives. You can use your social platforms to raise awareness about the importance of organic farming and sustainable food systems.

4. Support their campaigns. Participate in or support the organization’s campaigns and initiatives. This could involve signing petitions, attending events, or engaging in activities that align with their causes.

5. Choose certified organic products. When shopping, look for products bearing the Soil Association label. By purchasing organic products, you support farmers who are following sustainable practices and contribute to the demand for more environmentally friendly goods.

6. Educate yourself. Learn more about organic farming and sustainable agriculture, so that you can make informed choices.

7. Engage with local farmers. Support local farmers who use organic and sustainable practices. This not only helps your local economy but also encourages responsible farming methods.

8. Lobby for change. Engage with policymakers and advocate for policies that support organic farming, sustainable agriculture, and better food labeling and transparency.

9. Reduce Food Waste. Minimize food waste by planning meals, buying only what you need, and composting organic waste.

Even small little changes can help promote sustainable and ethical practices in agriculture and food production! 

To learn more, visit The Soil Association.

Disclaimer: The above views and opinions do not necessarily reflect my personal opinion.

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